WordPress plugin library is basically a swiss knife for any WordPress developer! It reduces drastically the effort required for building small plugins like add-ons or small functionality plugins.
I started building it a long time ago when I got tired of keep doing the same things for every new add-on that I built.
That’s pretty frustrating because you have to redo the same thing every time like a robot. With that in mind, I thought I’ll just create a ‘boilerplate’ plugin that I’m going to use from now on for all my new plugins.
Obviously being the very creative guy that I am. I named it – WordPress Plugin Library.
And that’s what I did but in time when I was creating more and more plugins for my own ideas or for the customers at MemberFix, I noticed that I had to constantly write the same helper functions and methods for some parts of the plugins and you know, that’s also repetitive work that I had to do over and over again.
So I got some of those repetitive tasks and added all of them to a small library that also serves as a boilerplate plugin that I’m using now for most of the new plugins that I’m developing.
I got to say that it made my life so much easier! And of course, I can’t keep it just for me I must share it with anyone that needs it
WordPress Plugin Library Documentation
If you want to get your hands on it and see how it works, here you can find the documentation for the WordPress Plugin Library
That’s pretty much it for the little library I’ve created. It is a work in progress and I’ll be working on new features in time.
But I’m also open to suggestions, so please let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions!
All done! 😉